Scratch & Minecraft Club

The school runs a programming club for students interested in designing their own computer games. The “Scratch & Minecraft” club meets once a week after school in the Learning Centre.  The club is managed by competent students who support younger people as they learning programming skills and techniques. So every Thursday afternoon students are given the opportunity to have fun whilst learning how to program simple games and working in teams to enter competitions.

The fact that the students enjoy game-making is not the only benefit of the club.  The skills they develop will put them in good stead in the future.  We are in the middle of period of austerity and there is no doubt that this has impacted on the availability of job opportunities.  In terms of employability, the only sector that is growing and actively recruiting in Northern Ireland is in the IT sector.

It is also fair to say that employers in all sectors are very keen to employ IT competent, problem solvers who are able to be inventive and use their initiative.  There are a number of ways that these crucial skills can be developed. However, enjoying an opportunity to learn to program games must be included as one.  If you visit our school, make sure you drop in to the Scratch & Minecraft club.

Scratch & Minecraft Club runs on Mondays with Mrs V Walker in Room 125