Home Economics

it’s about much more than food!

Home Economics is one strand of Learning for Life and Work. It is a subject through which many skills can be developed; in particular our pupils enjoy the practical skills involved in preparing and cooking food. They have opportunities to learn about healthy food choices throughout the lifecycle as well as food packaging and labelling and how to prevent food poisoning. They have opportunities to learn about family life and how to cope with different circumstances. They also enjoy learning about how to be an ethical consumer, shopping online, how to pay for what you buy and your rights as a consumer. We make good use of our school ICT facilities, involving the pupils in webquests, research based activities and presentation of their work to their peers. Students who study Home Economics are taught vital skills that enable them to lead effective lives as individuals and family members as well as members of the wider community. Many career paths are open to them.

What we offer:

As a compulsory subject, Home Economics is taught to all pupils in Yrs 8-10. They have 1 hour each week. At the end of Yr 10 they have a choice to study GCSE Food and Nutrition (Home Economics) and GCSE Child Development – for 2 hours 40 mins each week.

At A level we offer Nutrition and Food Science and students can also opt to study Health and Social Care.

As part of our 6th form enrichment programme, we offer the online Level 2 Food Safety in Catering Award, which is accredited by City and Guilds.

A 6th form Survival cookery option is also offered to prepare our students for life after school, at university and beyond.