Health & Social Care A-Level

This broad based qualification gives students the opportunity to study an eclectic range of subjects relevant to the health, social care and early years sectors. The qualification will appeal to students with an interest in health and well being and the care of others. Students will acquire skills that are valued in further and higher education, as well as in the workplace. These include research, investigation, analysis, communication, problem solving and working with others.


Two years study leads to a GCE in Health and Social Care graded on the scale A-E.



Examining Board:CCEA


AS level

AS 1: Promoting Quality Care

This is an internal assessment. Students

produce a 5000 word written report based on practice in a health, social care or early years setting. Key principles of the care value base, legislation that promotes

positive care, health and safety legislation, policies promoting positive care and the impact of poor practice in a health, social care or early years setting are areas

researched in this unit.


AS 2: Communicating in a Care


This is an internal assessment. Students

produce a 5000 word report based on

communication in a health, social care or early years setting. Communication skills within a health, social care or early years setting are examined. A critical appraisal of your own communication skills in a one-to-one or a group interaction is undertaken.


AS 3: Health and Well Being

This is a 2 hour examined unit. Students are required to answer 3 compulsory questions.


Concepts of health and well being, factors affecting health and well being, health promotion, the role of organisations in the health and well being of the population and discrimination and anti-discriminatory practice in health, social care and early years settings are examined in this unit.



A2 level

A2 3: Providing Services

This is a 2 hour examined unit based on pre-release material. Students are required to answer three compulsory questions which will focus on one service user group. Service user groups include: Service users with a mental illness; those with learning disabilities; those with physical disability or illness; children and families or older people.


A2 4: Public health and Health Promotion

In this unit students develop an understanding of public health issues and health promotion campaigns.

Students produce a 5000 word report.


A2 5: Supporting the Family

In this unit students focus on changing and evolving family structures in today’s society.

Students produce a 5000 word report.


Assessment Methods

Work relating to non-tested units will be produced in the form of a written report. Assessment will be completed within the school and also by external moderators. Examined units will be assessed by a 2 hour written external exam in May / June.