Year 9

Year 9




The use of a calculator is introduced in Year 9. We recommend that each pupil use a CASIO model FX-83GTX and this will be required in September. Pupils should bring it with them every day; however, we also emphasize the importance of continuing to develop non-calculator skills learned in Year 8. The June examination has both a non-calculator and a calculator section, as do some of the Year 9 MATs.

Topics Studied:

Unit 1: Percentages

Unit 2: Number

Unit 3: Pythagoras’ Theorem

Unit 4: Directed Numbers

Unit 5: Transformations

January Examination

Unit 6: Statistics

Unit 7: Rationals

Unit 8 : Circles

Unit 9 : Probability

Unit 10 : Ratio and Proportion

Unit 11 : Algebra

Summer Examination

Unit 12 : Graph Work