Further Maths A-Level

In addition to studying A level Mathematics able pupils may wish to extend their knowledge of the subject by taking an AS or full A level in Further Mathematics. The AS in Year 13 is composed of two units, Pure and Applied Mathematics. At Further Maths level, however, both units carry equal weighting. Applied Mathematics includes topics in mechanics and statistics. For those pupils who complete the full A level over two years, the AS course constitutes 40% of this.


The topics covered build on the work covered in Further Mathematics GCSE and also the AS Mathematics course, so a very strong background from GCSE Further Mathematics level is essential, as is a natural enjoyment of the subject.


The extra qualification in Mathematics can be useful for those considering degrees in Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, Economics, Science and Computing. In particular, former pupils studying undergraduate courses in Engineering invariably comment on how useful their study of Further Mathematics has been in supporting them during their first year of a degree course. It is also a subject that will interest those with a logical mind and who enjoy the challenge of Mathematics for its own sake.



Examining Board: CCEA

Specification can be found here:



AS Units


AS 1: Pure Mathematics 1

50% of AS (20% of A Level)

Paper: 1 hour 30 minutes


AS 2: Applied Mathematics 1

50% of AS (20% of A Level)

Paper: 1 hour 30 minutes



A2 Units


A2 1: Pure Mathematics 2

30% of A Level

Paper: 2 hours 15 minutes


A2 2: Applied Mathematics 2

30% of A Level

Paper: 2 hour 15 minutes


Teaching Methods

Teaching methods include discussion as a class and in small groups, making notes, practising examples, use of computers and development of independent study skills.


Assessment Methods

Methods of assessment will include homework that may be teacher assessed or self-assessed, end of topic tests and trial exams. All external papers are taken in the summer exam session for AS and A2.