Business Studies Trips & Competitions
During the GCSE Course, students participate in the Digital Industry Masterclass as part of Global Enterprise Week. This event allows the pupils to develop a possible app that could be created and brought onto the market. The students work in teams to create an idea, work out a budget and then present their idea to a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style panel. The top 3 teams will then present their ideas to all other groups and a winning group is chosen.
Each year, our Year 13 classes will be given a budget of £50 to design and make their own products to sell at our school Christmas Fayre. The teams must work together to decide on their product choice and to work with the finances to make sure they make as much money as possible from the sale of their products. Teamwork is needed to allow them to get their products made and ready to be sold on the evening. All profits at the end of the evening will be presented to a charity of their choice.
As part of our Marketing Topic at A Level our Year 13 pupils will also be tasked with working in small groups to create a board game. During this project they need to create a playable board game that they will then present to 3 judges. During their presentation they must link in all their marketing theory and explain market research, price, product, promotion and place.