A-Level Business Studies

It has always been the policy of the Business Studies Department to strive to prepare pupils in a realistic way for the world of work. The Business Studies course therefore emphasises the need for candidates to develop the ability to make rational decisions through the application of appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding. This course gives candidates the opportunity to explore the business world and to develop an awareness of the nature and significance of innovation and change within the context of business activities. It also emphasises the importance of process and is designed to encourage pupil-centred learning.



The pupils will study the WJEC business studies specification.  This course is made up of two written exam papers in Year 13 and two written exam papers in Year 14.

Students learn how businesses work through study of the following topics:


AS Unit 1 (15% of A Level Qualification)

AS Unit 2 (25% of A Level Qualification)


Collectively, the two AS units will give learners an understanding of the important role played by small businesses in the economy and the opportunities that exist for entrepreneurs, as well as the importance of established businesses and not-for-profit organisations in providing goods and services.

A2 Unit 3 (30% of Qualification)

A2 Unit 4 (30% of Qualification)

Teaching Methods

Business Studies provides opportunities for a wide variety of teaching methods including: