A-Level Digital Technology
Examination Board: CCEA
Course Aims:
This course is aimed at those students who wish to pursue a career in the specialist IT sector. The course content is a mix of theory and coursework, with the emphasis on theory.
To undertake this course you should have proven skills, knowledge and understanding of IT, such as at least a Grade B in GCSE Digital Technology or Grade 6 Computer Science.
You would also need to have a genuine interest in digital technology and a willingness to explore new ideas with an ability to communicate your ideas effectively.
Course Outline:
Coursework: A2 2: Application Development (Case Study)
In this unit, students have the opportunity to become involved in a real-world situation detailed in a case study. They apply their skills, knowledge and understanding of digital technology to solve a problem for a specified client.
CCEA will provide a new case study each year and this will be accessible from their website:
Students apply their practical skills to produce a solution and associated detailed documentation for the client.
The case study encourages students to demonstrate their skills in:
- analysing the problem;
- designing an appropriate solution to the real-world problem;
- developing the solution;
- testing the solution;
- evaluating the solution; and
- developing user support documentation.