German KS3
Ballyclare High School boasts a thriving German department where 3 classes in each year group have the opportunity to study the language and culture. Lessons are interactive and encourage pupils to practise their new-found skills in a supportive and fun environment.
Topics covered at KS3 all contribute significantly to the foundations of GCSE study, for example: self, family, free time and school are all covered in Year 8. Reading and Writing skills are assessed through homework, alongside regular vocabulary tests. Our current textbook is Zoom, published by Oxford Press.
Opportunities for travel are afforded by the annual Year 8 trip and the longstanding partnership with our Exchange School, Gymnasium Petrinum, Dorsten. Our German assistant plays a key role in bringing a little piece of the country to the classroom.
Below are some examples of our pupils’ work in German at Key Stage 3 level.