Ballyclare High School iPay System
Ballyclare High School is now using iPay online payments to help reduce administration and cash handling and also to allow pupils to reduce the amount of cash pupils carry to school. We will be transferring to the new payment system from August 2019 with the new system being fully operational for the new academic year.
NB: A number of items/services such as revision materials, locker rental, and trips will ONLY be available for purchase via iPay, so it is very important that you create an iPay account now.
In order to create your own iPay account you will need to:
- Register on the site – click on
- Click on the ‘Register’ button.
- Pupil Reference Number – enter the Pupil Reference Number provided for your child / one of your children (see the top of this document).
- Username – enter a username that you will remember. This will be required each time you log in to your account.
- Email – enter a valid email address.
- Confirm Email – this must be the same email address as in the previous box.
- Password – enter a password (enter at least 1 upper case letter, 1 number and 1 symbol such as £, ! or %).
- Confirm Password – this must be the same password as in the previous box.
- Maths Test – type in your answer (this is to check you are human)!
- Agree to Terms – Please tick this box. You can view the terms as required.
- Activate your account – An email will be sent to the email account you have entered in step 5. Click on the link provided in the email to activate your account.
- Now log in again using the email address and password you entered during steps 4 and 5.
- Log in and update your personal information and click ‘Save’.
- If you have more than one child at Ballyclare High School link your additional children by following these steps:
- a) Go to ‘Child Accounts’ on the menu – your first child will be displayed.
- b) Click on the ‘Link a New Child Account’ button.
- c) Enter the Pupil Reference Number for your other child/children as detailed at the top of this letter.
- d) Click on the ‘Link Account’
How to make a Payment
When you are logged in to iPay, please go to the homepage and add any items you wish to pay for into the basket and proceed to checkout.
You will be directed to the Capita Payment Gateway where you can enter your debit or credit card details securely.
You will receive an email receipt of your payment once it has been authorised. Frequently asked questions can be accessed from the website and are also found below. Should you have any questions on the above, please contact: Mrs Karen Wilson, telephone 02893 322244.