
Pupils Missing Work through Absence


When pupils are unable to attend school as a result of illness, the school does not normally expect them to carry out school work at home whilst ill. The school acknowledges that, in circumstances of illness, pupils are unlikely to be able to complete work to their normal standards and in any case may be unable to do so as a result of missing crucial aspects of a lesson.

It is school policy that pupils who have missed work are expected to take it upon themselves to catch up this work after their return to school. This includes copying up missed notes, and asking the teacher if there is anything in them that they don’t understand.

In Years 8 – 10 pupils are not normally expected to do homework assignments missed through illness after their return. In Years 11-14, there may be homework that could be usefully attempted retrospectively, but teaching staff will give guidance on this upon return of the pupil to school.

In cases where a pupil is absent through illness for more than 3 school days, the Form tutor will contact teaching staff for any work that the pupil can attempt in order to lessen the amount of catching up that needs to be done upon his/her return.

Short-term absence (less than or equal to 3 days) through illness affects a number of pupils during the course of the year. It is not practical for teaching staff to set work for these pupils on every such occasion. Parents are therefore advised that we will only ask staff to set work for pupils to do at home when the absence through illness exceeds 3 school days.

See below for more information:

absence_notification_form. DENI FORM attendance-matters-a-parents-guide


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