Buddies help take Year 8 pupils on trips to Woodhall
The aim of the Buddy schemed is to enable pupils to settle into school life and feel safe and secure in their new environment. Year 14 buddies support the work of the Year 8 Form tutors by providing a listening ear for Year 8 pupils and support their learning, in the classroom, through extra-curricular activities and in the wider school community.
(Email from Yr 8 Form Tutor)
Hello all,
I just wanted to let you know how impressed I have been with my U6 buddies this year. They have been so good with 8A who have needed quite a lot of help and support in their first term. They are there every morning and don’t just stand together at the front, but circulate and interact with the class. They have been a huge help to me as well in getting 8A organised and keeping track of the little individuals. They came with us on our 8A cinema outing last week and to top it all off they arrived to Lifeskills this morning with hand-made and very thoughtful Christmas gifts for each pupil. (See the attached photos). This was wholly unprompted by myself and I was blown away by their kindness and care for the class.
Sophie, Aaron and Carla should be congratulated on taking their role seriously and doing such a fantastic job!