Theatre Studies A Level
In A level Drama and Theatre (WJEC) the knowledge, skills and understanding acquired at GCSE level will be broadened and developed. There is still a substantial practical element, 60% of the final assessment, and the detailed study of set texts forms a key component of the course. In addition, pupils will have the opportunity to formally appraise drama seen out of the classroom and to study some of the theory behind the art of performance. The course content covers many theatrical genres and students will study texts in terms of both their performance and their social and cultural contexts. Throughout the course pupils are exposed to new, exciting forms of theatre and are encouraged to become familiar with local theatre companies such as Bruiser and Tinderbox by visiting their performances.
The study of AS level makes up 40% of the overall A2 grade, with the final 60% being completed in Year 14.
Examining Board: WJEC
AS Unit 1– Theatre Workshop
- 24% of qualification
- Practical
- Re-interpretation of an extract
- Accompanying Creative Log / Evaluation
AS Unit 2– Text in Theatre
- 16% of qualification
- Exam
- A series of questions based on one set text, A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller
A2 Unit 3– Text in Action
- 36% of qualification
- Performance of two pieces
- One devised piece
- An extract from a text in a different style
- Accompanying process and evaluation report
A2 Unit 4 – Text in Performance
- 24% of qualification
- Exam
- Two set texts
Teaching Methods
Teaching methods include a balance between practical work in the Drama Suite and the classroom delivery of the more theoretical aspects of the course. Within this, pupils will have the opportunity to work with their peers in researching and presenting topics to the class making full use of the school’s ICT facilities. There is also the opportunity to appraise live and recorded drama and to use recording equipment for self-appraisal. Assessment of progress is through formative work such as essays and presentations, as well as contribution to workshop activities. Formal assessment is through coursework (supporting notes) and assessment of preparation and performance of the final practical piece. Due to the nature of the course, there will also be the opportunity to visit theatre productions outside of school in a variety of venues such as the Grand Opera House, Belfast and the Abbey Theatre, Dublin and to work with visiting theatre professionals such as Slingshot Theatre Company and Phoenix Dance Theatre.