Key dates in the 2019-2020 Careers Calendar
Key Dates for 2019-20
30th January: 6-9pm : Ballyclare Learning Community Careers Convention in Ballyclare High School . For parents and pupils. Pupils are to wear school uniform.
11th February 7-7.45pm in the school gym: GCSE subject choice advice evening for parents and pupils. School uniform is not necessary.
13th&14th February: 9.30-3.30pm: GCSE subject choice guidance interviews.
3rd March: GCSE subject choice deadline.
8TH Oct- 28th April: careers & employability module in LLW classes on Tuesday mornings, including talks from careers staff and DfE careers advisers on making informed GCSE subject choices.
Key Dates for 2019-20
September – March: individual career guidance interviews with DfE Careers Advisers.
15th October & 12th November: Career area talks during LLW.
28th January: 9.20-11.00am : mock GCSE results day – individual pupil interviews on post-GCSE career plans.
30th January: 6-9pm : Ballyclare Learning Community Careers Convention in Ballyclare High School . For parents and pupils. Pupils are to wear school uniform.
6th February 7-7.45pm in the school gym: A level subject choice advice evening for parents and pupils. School uniform is not necessary.
3rd March: A level subject choice deadline.
21st April: Mock interviews with employers and professionals.
17th Sept- 5th May: careers & employability module in LLW classes on Tuesday mornings
Key Dates for 2019-20
30th January: 6-9pm : Ballyclare Learning Community Careers Convention in Ballyclare High School . For parents and pupils. Pupils are to wear school uniform.
16th January-7th May: Careers and Higher Education programme in Thursday options.
13th February: deadline for organising work experience or seeking help from your careers teacher.
Late Feb/Early March: 9.20-1.30pm : UCAS Exhibition.
15th-17th June: Work experience
18th June: 9.30am-3.30pm: Pre-UCAS Day & University Road Show
Key Dates for 2019-20
14th August: AS results day – individual pupil guidance interviews.
5th September: Ulster University Open Day
6th September: Queen’s University Open Day
12th September – 19th December: Year 14 careers and higher education programme in Thursday options.
19th September: first draft of personal statement deadline.
26th September: School deadline for early UCAS & CUKAS applicants.
3rd October: deadline for applications for mock interviews.
10th October: final draft of personal statement deadline.
24th October: School’s UCAS deadline.
14th November 7-9.30pm: Mock interviews for pupils who have university interviews.
30th January: 6-9pm : Ballyclare Learning Community Careers Convention in Ballyclare High School . For parents and pupils. Pupils are to wear school uniform.
13th August 2020: A level results day. Careers staff in school to offer guidance on post-18 pathways.
Parents, guardians and carers:
3 simple steps to get all the information you need about the UCAS application process:
- Sign up to receive emails from UCAS.
- Download the UCAS Parent Guide.
- Check out the UCAS parent videos.