Careers in 6th Form

In Year 13 pupils have a careers programme for one hour per week in the spring and summer terms. This is taught by careers staff and introduces pupils to the range of post-18 options on offer.  Time is afforded for individual careers research and small group interviews. In addition, each week there is a range of talks on offer from universities, colleges and employers.


In Year 14 pupils have a weekly one hour careers lesson in the first term of the academic year. The programme begins with a Pre-UCAS Day at the end of August and initially focuses on the UCAS application process and alternatives. Pupils then study the job application process including interviews and what employers want. University interview advice is covered for those who require this. Later in the term, student finance, university life and career pathways from degree courses are investigated. There are weekly talks on offer from universities, colleges and employers.


Pupil Support

The School places a high importance on supporting pupils through this important final step of their school career journey and into one of the many exciting post-18 opportunities.

Pupils are offered :

Recognising that these career decisions can be stressful for parents too, the School provides information evenings for parents, in association with universities from across the British Isles. The implications of subject choices made at school are considered in the light of the most up-to-date labour market information.


Annual Trips and Visits

Local Business Links

Dennison Commercials

Pupils at key transition points benefit greatly from the careers department’s link with Dennison Commercials in Ballyclare. Managers and staff from the company are generous in giving of their time and expertise to assist pupils with career planning, including offering interview skills training and practice interviews, work experience and talks on careers and apprenticeships in the company.