Year 8
- What is History?
- The Normans in England
- The Normans in Ireland
- Life in Medieval times
Year 9
- The Reformation and Counter Reformation
- Henry VIII and his wives
- Edward VI and Mary I
- Elizabeth I
- The Stuarts
- Ireland in the 1600s
Year 10
- The First World War
- Nationalism and Unionism in the early 1900s
- Partition
- The Second World War
- The Holocaust
GCSE History
History is a very popular course; there are 4 classes in both year 11 and 12.
We study the following CCEA GCSE units:
Year 11
- Nazi Germany, 1933–1939
- Nazi Policies and Actions in Europe, 1933–1939
- Changing Relationships: Britain, Northern Ireland and Ireland 1965-85
Year 12
- Controlled assessment: Civil Rights in the USA (25% of the overall mark)
- The Cold War 1945-91
Controlled assessment – October Year 12
Summer Exams in Year 12. Paper 1 examines Germany and NI, Paper 2 examines the Cold War.
A Level
GCE History
History is a very popular course in both year 13 and 14
We study the following CCEA GCE units:
AS History (Year 13)
- AS1 Option 5: Germany 1919-45
- AS2 Option 5: Russia 1914-41
Examinations in Summer Year 13
- Paper 1 AS1
- Paper 2 AS2
A2 History (Year 14)
- A2(1) Option 5: Clash of Ideologies in Europe 1900-2000
- A2(2) Option 1: England 1558-1603
Examinations in Summer Year 14
- Paper 1 A2(1)
- Paper 2 A2(2)
Educational visits
- Year 8 Carrickfergus Castle / Ballyclare Motte
- Year 10 Somme Centre/War Years Remembered exhibition/ War Memorial, Ballyclare
- Year 13/14 Sixth Form Conferences
Extra curricular activities
- History Hub – for anyone who loves history. Share and enjoy what you know and don’t yet know.
- History Help – if you need a helping hand. Open to all from year 8 – 14.