Match Report: Saturday 24th Nov v Friends

By Ballyclare High School on 26 November, 2018

It was a difficult morning against tough opposition for the senior teams this weekend.
The 2BXI began well with a goal in the first five minutes from Ellen McIlvenny; however, once Friends had equalised, a slew of short corners throughout the remainder of the match resulted in an additional three goals for Friends, leaving a final score of 4-1 and a tough loss. Aimee Manson was player of the match.

It was also a loss for the 3rdXI, conceding just one goal in the first half, but one that proved decisive. Despite some good second half pressure, Ballyclare were unable to equalise. Lucy McCammond was player of the match.

The 14A team were also up against strong opposition and went into the half time break 1-0 down. Ballyclare equalised in the second half, a tap in for Joanna Nesbitt from a short corner. Despite a great performance and some strong defensive work, Ballyclare conceded in the last few minutes to lose 2-1. Eva Hughes and Rachel Black were joint players of the match.

Both the U14B and U14C teams drew 0-0 in their respective matches, managing to keep the Friends attack at bay but unable to score themselves.

The U13A team had more success against Friends with a 1-0 win. An assist from Rachel McCann allowed Rachel Cox to score for Ballyclare. The defence had to work hard to deny Friends an equaliser, Scarlett Dunn earning player of the match for her effort and work rate here.

The U13Bs found themselves in a very evenly matched contest and despite great effort were unable to score. Unfortunately, Friends found the net with virtually the last play of the game to claim victory. Sarah Walker and Claudia Braden were joint player of the match for their sterling work in defence.