European Day of Languages

By Ballyclare High School on 5 October, 2018

As ever, Ballyclare High School celebrated European Day of Languages in style this year. On Tuesday 25th September, our Year 8 pupils learned how to say hello in ten different European languages and then had to hunt the words around the school – these were worn in the form of badges by numerous members of staff! Year 9 pupils took part in our Cultural Costume Day in which they dressed up as Spain, France and Germany. More winners were awarded prizes than ever before this year, with a grand total of sixteen pupils being rewarded for their fancy-dress efforts! Our overall winners were 9E, who dressed up as Germany and even managed to cover Mr Leckey in face paint!

Our ever-keen Sixth Form Language Leaders spent the morning at Fairview Primary School and delivered ‘mini lessons’ in Spanish, French and German to pupils of all ages. Fairview pupils were treated to short lessons on basic vocabulary and were keen to show off their linguistic talent. A great time was had by all!

All events helped create a real ‘buzz’ around school during European Day of Languages and the continued level of commitment shown by both pupils and staff alike is another example of our enthusiasm towards all things international.


Mr. Nelson

International Coordinator