Dancing Algorithms: Loanends PS visit BHS

By Ballyclare High School on 11 April, 2024

In a dynamic fusion of movement and technology, Ballyclare High School recently hosted an engaging Digital Schoolhouse workshop, welcoming P6 students from Loanends Primary School into the world of algorithms through the lens of dance. Led by Mr. Shaw the workshop aimed to demystify the concept of algorithms by drawing parallels between dance routines and computer programming.

The session kicked off with an air of excitement as the young visitors from Loanends Primary School entered the vibrant atmosphere of Ballyclare High School. Amidst the buzz of anticipation, Mr. Shaw welcomed the students and introduced the theme of the workshop: algorithms. Often seen as complex and abstract, algorithms are the backbone of computer programs, dictating a sequence of steps to achieve a specific outcome.

To make the concept more accessible, Mr. Shaw turned to the world of dance. Drawing inspiration from the popular video game “Just Dance,” he proposed that dance routines are essentially algorithms in action. Each dance move represents a step in the algorithm, contributing to the overall choreography much like lines of code contribute to a computer program.

Reflecting on the workshop, Mr. Shaw expressed his delight at seeing the students’ enthusiasm and understanding grow throughout the session. “By connecting algorithms to something as relatable as dance, we were able to break down barriers and make learning truly enjoyable,” he remarked.