Crisp Bag Donations

By Ballyclare High School on 17 December, 2021



Year 8 have been busy collecting empty crisp packets from our pupils during the month of December. These will then be recycled and made into blankets to help the homeless, 80 crisp bags can create a waterproof blanket. The foil on the inside of the crisp bag will help retain heat and make the winter a little warmer for someone on the streets. As the crisp bag is plastic, it also works as a wind shield and keeps their sleeping bag or clothes dry.  This month alone we managed to collect and recycle 1045 crisp bags, which equates to 13 blankets being made for the homeless. Thanks to all the form classes who took part and congratulations to 8E who collected the most, 180 bags. Thanks for making a difference to someone less fortunate this Christmas.