Careers Information

By Ballyclare High School on 28 April, 2017

A Pre-UCAS day has been organised for all year 13 pupils on Tuesday 20th June from 9.00am until 12 noon to introduce them to key aspects of the Higher Education application process.

The event will consist of 3 workshops covering the UCAS personal statement, the UCAS online application form and an overview of the UCAS process. These will be led by university representatives and members of the careers department. School uniform is to be worn and all pupils are expected to attend.


A University Roadshow will be held on Wednesday 21st June at 7.00pm in the gym for parents and pupils. This will take the form of an information evening for parents and pupils on the Higher Education application process and student finance. A number of universities will be in attendance including Dundee, Stirling, Edinburgh Napier, Bradford, Salford and Harper Adams, with others still to be confirmed by the event organisers, ER and M Educational Consultants. There will be an opportunity to talk to university representatives after the initial presentations.


Year 13 pupils have been given a letter with a reply slip attached to facilitate the planning of the University Roadshow. Please complete this and return it to Mrs Richardson asap.