Career opportunities in IT

By Ballyclare High School on 12 February, 2018

Information Technology (IT)….
IT allows business, industry and universities to develop
innovative solutions every day to fulfil the world’s
business and social needs. IT professionals specialise in
using computer and telecommunications technology to
store, transmit and translate various types of information
including audio, visual, textual and numerical. With
the recent explosion in Applications Development, the
functionality of mobile phones and computers is improving
all the time.

Could you imagine a world without Facebook, Twitter
or YouTube? What about doing your online banking or
checking the weather on your phone?

IT Bursary Programme….
The Sentinus IT Bursary Placement Programme is an
annual programme which provides students with a great
opportunity to work alongside IT professionals in real IT
work environments for a number of weeks over the Summer
holiday period.
Benefits of the programme:
– Gain first-hand experience of what it’s like to work in
an IT environment;
– Gain greater awareness of possible career opportunities;
– Gain experience of teamwork, presentations and
writing reports;
– Opportunities to use the knowledge gained in school in
a real context;
– Insight into current IT projects and development;
– Contribute to the work of your placement provider;
– Meet a range of IT professionals;
– Increase your confidence and enthusiasm for IT;
– Personal & professional development;
– An opportunity to meet students from a variety of
schools/colleges and backgrounds across Northern
– Something to talk about at University interviews.

For more information see here for a booklet (IT-Bursary-Flyer)  or  speak with Mrs N Ward LC1.