Arrangements for collection of results on Thursday 12th August for Yr 12 pupils

By Ballyclare High School on 9 August, 2021

Please see below a letter from Mrs McKay regarding collection of results on Thursday 12th August for Yr 12 pupils;


Dear Pupils,


We hope you have enjoyed a well-earned break over the summer and are beginning to feel more refreshed. In advance of your Results Day, we wish to congratulate all of you on your achievements and I assure you that Mr Milliken’s plans are well underway for your Year 13 Induction/Celebration Day on the 30th August 2021.

I hope you understand the need to organise the arrival and exit of all pupils on Results Day safely and we appreciate your patience in advance.

The following information will really help us to make the collection of results as safe and efficient as possible so please try to attend school at the times stated below to assist staff.

(This letter follows the previous one sent to your parents at the end of June in relation to arrangements/guidance in August for collection of results and sixth form curriculum planning).


Please be aware that these arrangements are in line with current DENI COVID-19 guidance to keep all pupils and staff as safe as possible.















Thursday 12th August 2021

8.45am – 12.00 noon and 1.00pm – 3.00pm



All Year 12 pupils must attend one of these sessions or contact the school during Thursday so that enrolment numbers and classes can be processed expediently for the start of the new school year. This is essential.


All pupils who have completed the necessary documentation can leave the school building as soon as it is submitted, via the Gym fire door exit.


Pupils should wear masks while inside the school building and the practice of good respiratory hygiene should follow the “catch it, bin it, kill it” approach. Pupils will be supported with these expectations we all have to implement.


I appreciate your patience with these strict guidelines for the collection of results, but it is our sincere wish to support all our pupils on the day but at the same time keep pupils and their immediate families safe to allow full attendance at school for the start of term.


As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Milliken or myself.



Yours sincerely,


Mrs A McKay

Vice Principal

Ballyclare High School.