AQE 2019 Information
By Ballyclare High School on 3 October, 2019
Dear Parent/Carer
Re: AQE Common Entrance Tests
May I remind you that the dates of the AQE tests are Saturday 9th, 23rd and 30th November 2019. There will also be a familiarisation day (dry run) on Saturday 19th of October. Attendance at this is not essential, but it is desirable.
On each of these Saturday mornings your child should bring:
- his/her AQE examination card;
- two pencils;
- a rubber;
- some paper tissues in his/her pocket;
- any emergency medication they may require such as an inhaler.
They should not bring mobile phones or other electronic devices, pencil cases, rulers or watches or food or drink, unless this is agreed for medical purposes prior to the test. Drinking water will be available if required.
Your child should, if possible, wear his/her school uniform. They should not wear football shirts. Pupils should arrive at Ballyclare High School at 9.15am at the earliest and at 9.30am at the latest in order to assemble them in their classrooms and deal with any last minute problems that may arise.
Ballyclare High School is situated on the Rashee Road (first left off the ASDA roundabout) as you drive out of town towards the Collin Road. The School is situated on the left hand side of the Rashee Road. However, at the BHS sign you will turn left on to George Avenue before you actually come to the school gate at the rear of the School. Those coming into town from the Collin Road end will find the front of the School on the right hand side. You will continue on past the School gate and turn right at George Avenue. Continue to the end of George Avenue and then turn right into the school car park. Staff and pupils will be there to direct and assist you. Your child will enter the School through the doors at the end of the playground at the bottom of the steps or ramp.
Car parking will be available at the rear and side of the school, but please note that we only have 100 spaces and nearly 300 children will sit the tests. To avoid traffic congestion, those who live nearby should walk. Others should give serious consideration to parking in town and walking up to the school. The PSNI have been forewarned of the potential for traffic problems and have assured us that they will try to help and support on those mornings.
Pupils should enter the School at the rear, using the doors at the end of the playground. Pupils will assemble in their groups in the Sports Hall as directed by the teachers on duty. Senior pupils will also be present to help them find their groups and to help allay their fears. To make the dry run as similar to the real thing as possible parents are asked not to enter the School at this point, but are welcome to stay for tea and coffee at the canteen the entrance to which is in the playground.
Parents will be able to pick up their children at the Sports Hall after the tests are finished probably from around 11.00 – 11.10am onwards.
Pupils will be asked to complete an exemplar test on Saturday 19th October. This will give them an opportunity to work through a test paper in examination conditions, but this will not be taken in for marking and they may take it with them if they wish. If it is not taken away it will be destroyed afterwards in the interests of confidentiality.
Should your child feel sick on the 19th of October or on the morning of any of the tests please keep him/her at home and inform the school 028 93322244.
I wish your children all the best for the tests and hope that everyone will remain as calm and relaxed as possible. Please contact the school and speak to Mr Barr, our examinations officer, if there is a problem you wish to discuss with us. A copy of this letter will be posted on the school website.
Yours sincerely
Dr M Rainey