Uniform is the outward identity of the school and the means by which our pupils are distinguished in the wider community. It is therefore important that they have a pride in wearing it, and this can best be encouraged if all items comply with the regulations which the school specifies. The wearing of our uniform develops habits of neatness and self discipline and instils a sense of belonging to Ballyclare High School.
School uniform is supplied by the following:-
The Jeanery – Glencairn Park, Glengormley
Cartmills – Antrim Road, Glengormley
Warnocks – Lisburn Road, Belfast
Sport ‘N’ Sound – Main Street, Ballyclare
Woodsides – 15 Granges Street, Ballyclare
Enquiries about uniform should be made to the Form Tutor, Head of Year or Vice-Principals.
Full school uniform must be worn in school, for all school functions, and journeys to and from school and home, including Saturday Games and travelling to and from matches, unless permission to do otherwise has been granted by the teacher in charge, through agreement with the Headmaster.
Games/PE kit must not be worn outside school grounds without permission.School Bags must be plainAll items must be clearly marked with the owner’s name.
Girls’ Uniform
1. Regulation Skirt: (as supplied by outfitters) Years 8, 9 and 10 – Navy 6-gore.Years 11, 12, 13 and 14 – Grey terylene pleated skirt.
2. Blouse: Plain White long-sleeved school blouse (Trutex or similar)
3. Knitwear: Plain navy V-neck pullover. The wearing of knitwear without a blazer is not permitted.
4. Blazer: Navy with school badge. (A good quality blazer lasts longer!)
5. Socks/Tights: Juniors – White ankle socks from 1st April to 31st October Plain navy tights to be worn from 1st November to 31st March
Seniors – Plain black tights may be worn throughout the year. White ankle socks are permitted between 1st April and 31st October
6. Shoes: Plain black, low heeled (max height 4cm), strong leather shoes (not suede). Fashion shoes including those with stiletto heels are not suitable for school. Boots and canvas shoes are not acceptable
7. Coat: If a coat is worn to or from school, it should be plain navy or black. Denim is not acceptable. Hooded jackets may never be worn under school blazers.
8. Jewellery: Except for a wrist watch and a plain gold or silver ring, no jewellery may be worn. (One pair of small plain silver or gold studs may be worn in the ear lobes by those with pierced ears.)
9. Make-Up: No make-up or nail polish is permitted.
10. Badges: Only a school badge and one other badge of a recognised Youth Organisation may be worn.
11. Hair: Hair must be neat and no extreme style or colour is permitted. Long hair should be held back.
12. Scarf: Only a regulation school scarf.
13. Tie: A regulation school tie, neatly knotted with the broad blade worn properly to the front.
Boys’ Uniform
1. Shirt: Plain white long sleeved school shirt. This should not be worn open-necked. If a vest is worn underneath it must be plain white.
2. Trousers: Standard style charcoal grey or black.
3. Knitwear: Plain charcoal grey or black V-neck pullover. The wearing of knitwear without a blazer is not permitted.
4. Blazer: Black with school badge. (A good quality blazer lasts longer!)
5. Socks: Plain charcoal grey or black.
6. Shoes: Plain black, strong leather shoes (not suede). Boots and canvas shoes are not acceptable
7. Coat: If a coat is worn to or from school, it should be plain navy or black. Denim is not acceptable. Hooded jackets may never be worn under school blazers.
8. Jewellery: Except for a wrist watch and a plain gold or silver ring, no jewellery may be worn.
9. Badges: Only school badges and one other badge of a recognised Youth Organisation may be worn.
10. Hair: Hair must be neat and should conform with current school regulations. No extreme style or colour is permitted. Such fashions as hair touching the blazer collar and a number one haircut are not acceptable. Facial hair is not permitted.
11. Scarf: Only a regulation school scarf.
12. Tie: A regulation school tie, neatly knotted with the broad blade worn properly to the front.